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Can You Tell Me About Auras?

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Dear Intuitive Times

Could you explain to me a little bit about what an aura is? Sometimes when I am watching people, especially someone who is speaking to a group, I can see a white blue glow around them. Is that their aura?
JC., Halifax, N.S.

Yes, you are most likely seeing the aura surrounding people. People who are speaking can sometimes project their auric field so that it enfolds the audience. A truly charismatic speaker has perfected this ability.

The aura is a field of radiation, an emanation which can be seen by some around the body. The aura has different names to different people. It has been called a halo, an electro-magnetic field, bioplasm, spiritual energy. And more. It is a concentrated field of glowing energy that can be seen most clearly around the head and upper shoulders. This personal force field can be seen surrounding the full extent of the body, but is usually not nearly as bright below the waist.

The aura is seen most often clairvoyantly. Sometimes it can be viewed through physical sight using the peripheral vision. To do this you have to unfocus your eyes and look beyond the person so you can see the aura using your physical eyes. It is most often seen as a white or white blue light but can have color.

The colors seen in the aura do have special meaning. The aura, could be considered a "coat of many colors" indicating the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health of the individual. To many for example a brilliant red means anger and force; dirty red means passion and sensuality; brown means avarice; rose means love or affection; yellow means high type intellectual activity; purple means spirituality; blue means religious devotion; green means deceit and jealousy, and in a deeper shade it can be interpreted as sympathy. Using another system of understanding gold stands for spirituality, pale blue and purple for healing power, pink for pure love and affection, red for desire and anger, green for intellect, browns and dark muddy shades for disease. Very generally speaking, when you see dull, murky colors it means that the person has a mental or emotional problem. Bright and vivid colors indicate a healthy state. Depending on what book you read, there tends to be disagreement regarding the interpretation of a color. Caution should thus be exercised when attempting to read auras. The question that one must ask is , " What does it mean to me?" For things of Spirit, there are no absolute right or wrong answers when interpretation by an individual is involved.

Auras have been part of human experience for a very long time. Medieval saints and mystics noted four different kinds of auras: the nimbus, the halo, the aureola and the glory. We are familiar with the halos that surround the heads of Jesus Christ and the saints. Five hundred or more years ago, Assyrian and Egyptian sensitives reported that a glowing light radiated from the bodies of humans.

Richard De A'Morelli, in an article entitled "How You Can See the Human Aura," says the aura consists of two distinct sections:
... The innermost region, called the introvertive aura, is by far the most spectacular. This is a broad, highly luminous band of light which extends outward from the body in all directions for a distance ranging between 18 inches to several feet. This section typically represents about 75 percent of the entire aura. Its coloration may vary from one moment to the next depending on the major health, mental, and emotional qualities expressed by an individual. ...

The outermost region, called the extrovertive aura, is a narrow band of luminous energy having a depth of four or five inches to slightly more than one foot. This area tends to be dimmer than the introvertive portion of the aura, and it may likewise change its coloration from moment to moment."

Auras have been captured in ways which make them visible to everyone. In 1911 an English doctor, Walter Kilner (1847-1920) published the book, The Human Atmosphere. In it he told of his research with auras and made the prediction that one day medical science would turn to the aura in diagnosing illness.With the use of a dicyanin dye screen, he was able to make the human aura visible to sight.

Another technique is Kirlian photography which was discovered by the Russian electrician, Semyon Davidovich Kirlian,. The process takes photographs of auras and has provided evidence that auras exist. The Kirlian photos are of the "bio-luminescent" patterns of living things. It is done with a high-frequency oscillator that creates a field of electrical waves moving as fast as 200,000 cycles per second. The 'bio-luminescent pattern' of any living thing inserted into this field while clamped to a special photographic paper will be reproduced on film.

Today there is also a number of electronic apparatus which are advertised as capturing images of the aura on a computer display or as a printout. These tools are sold as both novelties and as diagnostic tools.

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